Commonwealth Association of Tax Administrators

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CATA/IBFD roots for stronger collaboration

(Left: Executive Director with Senior IBFD researchers led by Prof van Kommer (R)

The Executive Director recently paid a visit to the headquarters of the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) in The Netherlands and held a meeting with senior researchers of the institution led by Prof Victor van Kommer. CATA has a long standing relationship with the IBFD whose researchers have served as resource persons in various CATA conferences. The team discussed the ongoing technical assistance work that IBFD was undertaking in various part of the world, especially in Africa and the need for collaboration with CATA in some of these initiatives. One particular area identified was the IBFD work on Tax Treaties where the institution has done elaborate research which could be very helpful to countries seeking to negotiate new treaties or renegotiate existing ones. Besides, the IBFD has a well-stocked virtual library which the Executive Director would urge CATA members to take advantage of. The meeting was also attended by IBFD Project Manager Ms Anna Bardadin and Senior Researcher, Ms Monia Naoum.